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How Increasing Core Strength Reduces Back Pain

marietta chiropractor treats back pain

If you suffer from back pain and have a lifestyle where you are seated for a long period of time you have to ask yourself one main question. Is Your Back Pain From a Weak Core? Core muscle strength plays a very important role in the prevalence of low back pain. The inner core muscles attach directly to the spine and are responsible for mobility and stability. That means that the majority of movement while in the upright position all begin with activation of the core muscles. The outer core muscles are more for functional movement that we perform in our day to day lives. When the core muscles are not as strong as they should be the way those functional movements are performed can change.

Muscles that should not be used have to get involved to help and these recruited muscles can lead to postural imbalances. When the imbalances occur a spinal subluxation will cause undue pressure on the nervous system which will eventually lead to some form of pain and dysfunction. The pain can begin as mild forms of cramping or lead to degenerative joint disease. Non structural problems may also occur such as constipation or even reproductive problems from the abnormal pressure on the nerves that control those functions in the body.

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