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Lower Cross Syndrome

Lower cross syndrome is a cause of low back pain for people who live sedentary lifestyles. This is an issue that generally takes years to develop and can have long lasting effects for those who suffer with it. The “cross” reference in lower cross syndrome refers to the anatomical location of muscle weaknesses and the excessive tightness of other muscles.

lower cross syndrome

In LCS the abdominal muscles and backside muscles are weak and over stretched while the muscles in the low back and front of the hip are tighter than they should be. When LCS is present the muscles that become tight will cause displacement of the bones they are connected to in the low back and in the pelvis. When these muscles pull segments of the spine out of their normal position a misalignment occurs. This is called a “subluxation” which simply means a bone that’s out of place but not completely dislocated.

Using a home device such as a jeanie rub is a great way to work on the muscles when you can’t make it to a healthcare professional or just want a quick solution after a long workout or feel general muscle ache.

Once lower cross syndrome is an issue it can lead to problems as severe as premature degenerative disease, arthritis and disc protrusions. If you have been dealing with low back pain and sit for prolonged periods of time you may want to be evaluated by your local chiropractor to find the best solution to manage your pain.

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